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The Establishment of vacant property as inspirational community hubs for the benefit of people and Planet.

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Space Generators charity has helped support the Climate Emergency centres network project. A growing network of over 27
community led solutions spaces across the UK.

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Space Generators has helped to support, advise and develop a network of 27 + spaces across the UK. Helping this network with skills and knowledge learnt from experience over 3 decades of building and developing eco community spaces since 1992.

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Providing space for the critically needed infrastructure for a sustainable future.

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Climate Emergency Centres are ‘Motherships’ for many other arts, environmental, community resilience and regeneration projects. Helping to support and grow a mycelium of new projects in each city. Building an alliance across towns of interlinked projects and spaces.

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Core Objectives

To create pop-up community / environmental spaces
To recycle vacant property and resources
To manage property in an environmentally sustainable way
To provide an affordable low cost space to the local community
To encourage and support the growth of startup eco enterprise
Helping ethical and sustainable business grow with advise on ethical /sustainable suppliers and services
Creating self employment opportunities. Green jobs skills training.
To promote arts , culture, education music and community resilience

  1. Space Generator’s mission is the revitalisation and transformation  of vacant commercial property Into inspirational eco community centres for the benefit of people and planet. 
  1. These centres bring environmental, creative and economic activity into local areas.  They also provide a dynamic space for cultural expression and arts. Acting as community organised spaces for artists creatives and entrepreneurs.
  1. These community hubs provide physical space for people to gather, learn about the climate and social crisis, and  develop  solutions for a sustainable future
  2. Communities need space to put projects into action. We support the upscaling of repurposing vacant property into eco centres in the high street focussed on community led solutions.

Space Generators charity trustees have several decades in the field of environmental based community organising.

Space Generators is a registered charity, attracting a mandatory 80% saving on business rates. In some circumstance we can negotiate a discretionary 100% business rates relief with the local authority through providing community use of space.

Our pioneering team have enabled and empowered many community groups over the last three decades. Landlords, councils and community groups are connected for the innovative use of space. We currently support the Climate Emergency Centres project which has facilitated 27 + new eco community spaces across the UK

Vacant properties are a valuable resource. In conjunction with the Mayor of Londons Environmental Strategy, our ethos is to reuse wasted resources where possible. This not only includes using vacant property but, waste food, furniture, computers and any other useful resources. Building the infrastructure for a regenerative circular economy one space at a time.

Moving beyond highly criticised live-in schemes, expensive security guards, non secure/ unsightly boarding, our caretakers’ team provides security and building maintenance.